
Sims 4: Nerdfighter Stuff

Sometimes I make Sims 4 stuff! You should download it!

I mean, if you want to. You don't have to. But you probably want to. Maybe. You maybe want to.

Nerdfighter Shirts


Sims 4 - Nerdfighter DFTBA shirts pack

6 Nerdfighteria shirts from dftba.com, including "Okay? Okay" from The Fault in Our Stars, two Nerdfighteria emblems, the logo from the AFC Wimbeldon pants, and my favorite gray DFTBA shirt.

Mash here to download

Basegame compatible. No Adfly. Made with S4S.

Pizza John Shirts


Sims 4 - Pizza John Shirts

3 Pizza John shirts in English and Simlish. DFTBA!

Basegame compatible. No Adfly. Made with Sims4Studio.

A shiny blue star called 'Spica'