All proceeds go to charity
150% of proceeds from all sales are donated to fitting causes.
That extra 50% comes from matching donors.

75%: The AFSP funds research and supports those affected by suicide. And they're super good at it. Learn more over here.

25%: Funny name, big results. Also known as the Project for Awesome. Raised over $2 million in 2016 for 20+ charities including Save the Children & Partners in Health. Learn more over here.
Should I Read This Book?
Hmm. Tough decision. Here are a few things to consider that might help.
you SHOULD read this book if you:
Ever get nervous talking to people. Or anxious. Or paralyzed with terror.
Enjoy terms such as "ginormously huge-gantic", "shenaniganza", and "tornadoquaking disasterfeels".
Have ever been the butt of a joke.
Ever cringe at the sudden memory of that one thing you said or did that one time and oh my gosh why would you say or do that thing??
Enjoy adorable love stories.
Are worshiped by a civilization of Lego people.
Play video games.
Worry that no one would miss you if you died.
Use the word "inconceivable" and it means what you think it means. (Or doesn't.)
you should NOT read this book if you:
Are/were the cool kid in school/college and never worry about what people think of you.
Look amazing. Like, all the time.
Have never been bullied, teased, or told that the world might be better off without you.
Have more friends than the country of Estonia has people.
Are sent into convulsive fits by the word "butterscotch". Because it's used about five times in this book. And you're probably having convulsive fits right now. Sorry. You should probably see a doctor about that.
Never feel hopeless or worry about anything.
Think "try harder" is solid advice for anyone dealing with a mental or emotional struggle.
Are literally on fire. You should probably see a doctor about that.
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